Sunday, March 29, 2015

"There's a building there?"

By the end of our first day in Tokyo, we were tired.  Bone tired.  We were just coming off a 26-hour travel day, had just put in a 12-plus-hour touring and shopping day and we were pushing through the 16-hour time difference, but we still had one more must-do on our list of sights to see - Tokyo Tower.  It's kind of Tokyo's answer to Paris' Eiffel Tower except it's red and white.  And in Tokyo, not Paris.  We'd read in the guide books that nighttime is a good time to visit because you get to see the entire city of Tokyo twinkling in the night.  Plus, the entire tower lights up, and who doesn't love a lit-up Eiffel Tower knock-off?  So off we went, hopping on subway trains and changing from one line to another like we knew what we were doing.  We finally reached our destination and when we exited the station and stepped out onto the street, this is what we saw.

Jill's immediate reaction was, "Oh, there's the tower!"  Now, can you all tell from the picture what she was looking at?  It's the reflection of the tower in a glass office building.  That's what we all thought she meant when she said, "Oh, there's the tower!"  Until she started walking towards the reflection.  And the rest of us started looking at each other kind of funny, because we all knew that the actual tower was behind us.  When we asked her where she was going, she looked at us as if we were crazy and said, "I'm going to the tower." We all started cracking up and told her that that wasn't the tower, it was the reflection of the tower in a building.  Her  response?  "There's a building there?"  We've been cracking up over that one ever since.  I've promised to take her to the eye doctor as soon as we get back to California.  Like I said, we were bone tired.  

Fortunately, the trek to the Tokyo Tower was worth the long haul across Tokyo and the confusion at the end.  The sight of the tower and the view from the top were spectacular!

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