Here are a few pictures from our visit to the Ladli home. All photos were taken with permission.
Children in a Ladli classroom.
These girls are making cards to sell. The girl on the right is 21 and has been living at Ladli, along with her three younger sisters, since she was five or six years old. They were all abandoned by their parents. She is now attending nursing school. The toddler in pink on the left side of the picture is her daughter. The girl in green and red is one of her three sisters.
These girls are making jewelry.
Making scarves
This sweet girl is another sister to the 21-year-old. The fourth sister was present, but I didn't get her photo. The girl above is in her second year of university, studying applied arts.
Visiting Ladli was a pretty rewarding experience. After seeing so many beautiful locations, it was a nice reality check, if only a tiny peek into a little bit of what is going on behind the scenes in the world's second most populous nation of 1.3 billion people.
All in all, we really enjoyed our trip to India. Before we left for India, we received some parting words of advice from our tour company in our final travel documents:
"Be patient, flexible, open and good-natured. India is a learning experience, not an escape; an adventure, not a getaway; a new challenge, not necessarily a holiday."
Truer words were never spoken. This has most definitely been a learning experience. India is not for sissies. India is not in the relaxing vacay category unless you go there and never leave your five-star hotel. It is chaotic in the extreme. And at the same time, everything seems to move way slower and take double or triple the amount of time as things do at home. Every day presented challenges, from navigating through unbelievable, crazy traffic...
to the unbelievable crowds of people everywhere.
From unexpected tastes...
to unexpected ways of getting things done.
From poverty...
to incredible splendor...
India is a land of incredible contrasts.
Its people are colorful...
and friendly.
Its history is rich
Its ancient architecture is stunning.
Its wildlife is amazing.
India was an unforgettable experience. It definitely broadened my world view. And although by the time we left, my mom, Jill and I were on chaos overload and looking forward to the comforts of home, not to mention American food, I have to say that after just 24 hours back in the States, I miss India already. Which I did not really expect seeing as how I did a little happy dance in my seat when the plane took off. But India has a way of doing that to you. 😉